In the area of RFIDs, I found several papers employing NTRU.
[] Wulu Li: A key exchange scheme based on lattice. DASC 2013, pp.100-106.
[Zhang13-AMM] Guo Yan Zhang: Fuzzy Certificateless Identity-Based Encryption Protocol from Lattice. 2013, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 380-384, 2262.
[CWX13-IEEEIT] X.-W. Chang, J. Wen, and X. Xie: Effects of the LLL Reduction on the Success Probability of the Babai Point and on the Complexity of Sphere Decoding. IEEE Trans. on Info. Theo.
[THY13-] Miaomiao Tian, Liusheng Huang, and Wei Yang: Efficient hierarchical identity?based signatures from lattices. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. Volume 5, Number 1/2013, pp.1-10.
[WWL12-ICCSNT] Ting Wu, Hui Wang, and You-Ping Liu: Optimizations of Brakerski's fully homomorphic encryption scheme. ICCSNT 2012 2012
[NHKJ12-IEEEComLetters]Geontae Noh, Dowon Hong, Jeong Ok Kwon, and Ik Rae Jeong: A Strong Binding Encryption Scheme from Lattices for Secret Broadcast. (IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 16, Issue 6, June 2012, pp.781 * 784)
[KHJ13-JCN] Kee Sung Kim, Dowon Hong, Ik Rae Jeong: Identity-based proxy signature from lattices. Journal of Communications and Networks, 2013, Vol. 15, No. 1. 1 * 7
[THX13-SCIS] ChengLiang Tian, LiDong Han, GuangWu Xu: A polynomial time algorithm for GapCVPP in $l_1$ norm. Science China Information Sciences, March 2013.
[CPWLTXW13-TCS] Wenbin Chena, Lingxi Penga, Jianxiong Wanga, Fufang Lia, Maobin Tanga, Wei Xionga, and Songtao Wangd: Inapproximability results for the minimum integral solution problem with preprocessing over $\ell_{\infty}$ norm. Theoretical Computer Science, Accepted manuscripts, 2013
[Gal12-???] Steven D. Galbraith. “Space-efficient variants of cryptosystems based on learning with errors.”
[CJZZ09-WTCS] Gu Chunsheng, Gu Jixing, Jing Zhengjun and Yu Zhiming. “Signature from the Exponential Hard Lattices.” (WTCS 2009)
[DL12-AEF] Wei Deng and Qi Luo. “A Latticed-Based Public Key Encryption with KDM Security from R-LWE.” (Advanced Engineering Forum, vol. 6-7, 398-403, 2012)
[TH12-IJNS] Miaomiao Tian and Liusheng Huang. “Breaking A Proxy Signature Scheme From Lattices.” (LETTER International Journal of Network Security, Vol.14, No.6, PP.320-323, Nov. 2012)
[WW12-ICCIS] Chen Wang and Huaixi Wang. “A New Ring Signature Scheme from NTRU Lattice.” (ICCIS 2012)
[WHW12-MJCS] Fenghe Wang, Yupu Hu, Baocang Wang. “Lattice-based strong designate verifier signature and its applications.” (Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. Vol. 25(1), 2012)
[THY12-IJNS] Miaomiao Tian, Liusheng Huang, and Wei Yang. “A New Hierarchical Identity-based Signature Scheme From Lattices In The Standard Model.” (International Journal of Network Security, Vol.14, No.6, PP.310-315, Nov. 2012)
[XF12-ICADE] Wei Xu and Dan Feng. “Public verifiable proof of storage protocol from lattice assumption.” (ICADE 2012)
[CPB12-MIST] Kunwar Singh, Chandrasekaran Pandurangan and A.K. Banerjee. “Lattice Forward-Secure Identity Based Encryption Scheme.” (MIST 2012)
[Ding12-eP] Jintai Ding: New cryptographic constructions using generalized learning with errors problem. [[ePrint 2012/387:]]
[DS12-eP] Jintai Ding and Dieter Schmidt: Algebraic attack on lattice based cryptosystems via solving equations over real numbers. [[ePrint 2012/094:]]
[MbV12-IJCNS] Sonia Mihaela Bogos, Serge Vaudenay: Cryptanalysis of the Double-Moduli Cryptosystem. (IJCNS. Vol.5 No.12, December 2012)
[NYS12-ISITA] Ken Naganuma, Masayuki Yoshino, Hisayoshi Sato: Upper bound of the shortest vector coefficients and its applications. (ISITA 2012)
[AIK11-FOCS] Benny Applebaum, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz. How to Garble Arithmetic Circuits. (FOCS 2011)
[WWH13-ANIS] Fenghe Wang; Chunxiao Wang; Yupu Hu: Efficient Chosen-Ciphtertext Secure Public Key Encryption Scheme From Lattice Assumption (Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences;2014, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p633)