Other Encryption Schemes
- [CC99-IC] J.-Y. Cai and T. Cusick: A lattice-based public-key cryptosystem. SAC 1998, Inf. Comput. 1999
- Knapsack-based cryptosystem using the idea from the Ajtai-Dwork cryptosystem.
- [FS99] R. Fischlin and J.-P. Seifert: Tensor-based trapdoors for CVP and their application to public key cryptography. WCC 1999
- ...
- [Xu10-eP] J. Xu: A New Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption Scheme based on a Lattice Problem. [[ePrint 2010/247:http://eprint.iacr.org/2010/247]]
- Note. This paper introduces a new problem.
- [PDJT11-CANS] Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng, Yupeng Jiang and Ziran Tu: A New Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystem Mixed with a Knapsack. CANS 2011
- [PD11-WISA] Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng: A General NTRU-Like Framework for Constructing Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystems. WISA 2011
- [PD08-eP] Y. Pan and Y. Deng: Cryptanalysis of the Cai-Cusick lattice-based public-key cryptosystem. [[ePrint 2008/204:http://eprint.iacr.org/2008/204]]
- [PD11-IEEEIT]] Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng: A Ciphertext-Only Attack Against the Cai-Cusick Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystem. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57(3), 2011
- Attack against the Cai-Cusick cryptosystem [[[CC99-IC].
- [XHSW12-CANS] Jun Xu, Lei Hu, Siwei Sun, and Ping Wang: Cryptanalysis of a Lattice-Knapsack Mixed Public Key Cryptosystem. CANS 2012
- A broadcast attack and a multiple-transmission attack against [[[PDJT11-CANS]
Pure Knapsack type
- [HM12-SCN] Gottfried Herold and Alexander Meurer. “New Attacks for Knapsack Based Cryptosystems.” (SCN 2012)
Written on January 1, 2000