Surveys and Lecture Notes
-[[[Cai99-ECCC]]] J.-Y. Cai. Some recent progress on the complexity of lattice problems. (ECCC TR99-006) -NTRU Cryptosystems. [[Peer Review and Independent Scrutiny of the NTRUEncrypt Public Key Cryptosystem:]] [pdf] -O. Regev. “Lattice-based cryptography” (CRYPTO 2006) -D. Micciancio and O. Regev. “Lattice-based cryptography.” (In Post-Quantum Cryptology) -J. Buchmann, R. Lindner, M. Rückert, and M. Schneider. “Post-Quantum Cryptography: Lattice Signatures.” (CECC 2008) -C. Peikert. “Some Recent Progress in Lattice-Based Cryptography .” (TCC 2009) -- Slides are available at Peikert's web site -D. Micciancio. “The Geometry of Lattice Cryptography.” (FOSAD VI, 2011) -Xavier Boyen. “Expressive Encryption Systems from Lattices.” (CANS 2011) -Thijs Laarhoven and Joop van de Pol and Benne de Weger. “Solving Hard Lattice Problems and the Security of Lattice-Based Cryptosystems.” ( [[Cryptology ePrint Archive - Report 2012/533:]] ) -[[[BCKSS12-Tatra]]] Rachid El Bansarkhani, Daniel Cabarcas, Po-Chun Kuo, Patrick Schmidt, Michael Schneider: A Selection of Recent Lattice-Based Signature and Encryption Schemes
Lecture [#a52ca8ac]
-Phong Nguyen. [Lattices in Cryptology:] -O. Regev. [0368.4282 Lattices in computer science:] -D. Micciancio. [[CSE206A Lattices algorithms and applications (Spring 2007):]] -[MathInfo2010 - Lattice Algorithms:] -[Public Key Cryptography and the Geometry of Numbers:] -[Lattice Crypto Day (LCD):] -Shai Halevi. [Homomorphic Encryption and Lattices@Tel-Aviv:] -Vinod Vaikuntanathan. [CSC2414 - Topics in Applied Discrete Mathematics, Lattices in Computer Science:] -Nigel Smart. [FHE and MPC:] -[[Lattice Crypto Day 2012 Japan (LCD2012J):]] 2012/03/15 at IIJ -[2nd Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography - Lattice-Based Cryptography and Applications:] -[ECRYPT II Summer School on Lattices:] -[ECRYPT II Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Algorithms:]
Book [#c842e6a8]
Bibliography [#c4d1699e]
-D. Stehle. [[Algorithmics and Lattices, some references:]] -Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange. Bernstein. [[Post-quantum cryptography - Lattice-based public-key cryptography:]] -Lipmaa. [[Lattice Cryptography & Reduction:]]